Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Planning Process

Defining goals and objectives were given to us in the beginning of the activity. We were given what to use with chance of testing those items. For step 3 we have made plans to design the straws in certain ways so that only straws that all the damage from the drop. But we only came up with one strategy and worked on it. We did not form any alternative ideas because we were sure about our plan; which came out to be a mistake. We have planned who will be making the design, who will do the straw part, who will control the tape, and who will drop the egg. Last step became nothing like what we planned. The design we planned was not what we made. Everyone was on the making the design of the egg. Nothing went as we planned. We constantly revised our designing during making of it then time was up. Our planning until step 4 was in good shape. When the actual implement of our plan came it was a total failure. For these reasons, I would give 7 out of 10 on our planning process.


alex.wong said...

Don't worry about it, bro. Everyone made mistakes in their lives before. At least, you gained some experience from it. Maybe next time you insist your group members to stick to the plan. Just take it easy.

J said...

Your blog is the first one where it seems like your group planned it all out. My group on the other hand had so many ideas that we didn't know which one to pick and ended up compromising a little from each idea. We didn't assign roles to anyone and just did everything as a group. We went up to look at the materials together, implemented and even drew the final design together. I think we would've been more effective if we were a little more organized. My group also kept revising the design even when the clock was ticking. If you could, would you rather have stuck to your strategy of planning each step or being a bit more spontaneous like my group?

Little Mommy said...

The exact thing happened in my group. I believe everyone was just nervous because of the time limit. It had to have happened to every group. I think it had to do with trust and competitive attitudes.

Katya said...

Our team had the same problem: the design that we originally came up with hardly represented the outcome of our activity... Coming up with only one, but a good strategy might have worked, even without considering other alternatives, but that's not where the project went wrong. Actually the 10 min design stage created some unexpected problems, right? I think that's because of the time pressure. Everyone tries to contribute and help, but sometimes it's just better to stick to the earlier defined roles: that way everything would run in a more organized manner. But that's ok, we all learn from our mistakes, and will make improvements next time!

Mervin Blackmore said...

Maybe next time it would be better to come up with one idea or one plan and stick to it. It seems as though the constant changing cause the plan not to work but there is always next time. We learn from our mistakes.